Zagori, situiran u Epirus regiji u severozapadnoj Grčkoj, radosno dočekuje sve fanove planinskog trčanja, četvrtu godinu zaredom, koji će učestvovati u ovom maratonu, jula 26-tog i 27-og, 2014.
Severni Zagori planinski maraton 2014 daje šansu atletama i zaljubljenicima u prirodu iz celog sveta da trče naše trke i testiraju svoju izdržljivost u prelepom ali izazovnom ambijentu planina Timfi i Zagori.
Učesnici će proći kroz jedinstveni Vikos-Aoos nacionalni park, zaštićeno područje prirodnog bogatstva i uživaće u prefinjenoj lepoti Vikos klisure, Timfi planinskog lanca, Drakolimniju, Voidomatisu u Zagokoriji.
Sve trke (80km, 42,195m planinska maratonska trka, 21km polumaratonska trka, 10km) obećavaju da izazovu sve atlete ali i da im ispune očekivanja.
Fascinanta regija Epir vas poziva da je istražite i da uživate u njoj!
Severni Zagori maraton 2014 je pod pokroviteljstvom Grčke Nacionalne Organizacije Za Turizam, od koje je i podržan.
Za više informacija:
The North Face Zagori Mountain Running 2014
Zagori, situated at the region of Epirus in Northwestern Greece, welcomes for the 4th consecutive year all mountain fans participating at The North Face Zagori Mountain Running 2014 on July 26 and 27, 2014.
The North Face Zagori Mountain Running 2014 gives the opportunity to athletes and nature lovers from all over the world to run in the event’s races and test their endurance in the picturesque but challenging landscapes of Tymfi and Zagori.
Participants will cross the unique Vikos-Aoos National Park, a protected area of natural wealth, and will enjoy the distinctive beauty of Vikos gorge, Tymfi’s mountain range, Drakolimni, Voidomatis and Zagorochoria.
All races (80km race, 42,195m mountain marathon race, 21km half-marathon race, 10km race) promise to challenge all athletes but also to meet their highest expectations.
The fascinating region of Epirus invites you to explore it and enjoy it!
The North Face Zagori Mountain Running 2014 is under the auspices of and kindly supported by the Greek National Tourism Organisation.
For more info: